Privacy Policy user to provide the following information and agrees that all of this is public information:

a. Username of your choice if available.

b. Company name, telephone number, email and address.

c. Contact name.

d. Photographs/images of products, services and/or scene etc to be uploaded to the webpage for the purposes of promoting the users business and/or use for social media. This may be taken by BJORS INC but cannot guarantee professional quality.

How we use information we collect

Information the user provide is used on webpage created for the purposes of having user’s company’s products and/or services and company information available for viewing by the general public. This information may also be used for the purpose of social media.

Sign up and updating information

User can provide this information at the time of signing up. allows user to be able to make changes on this information.

Information we share

Apart from having your information published on your webpage we dont share information in any other way.

Information security

All the information the user provide is used for the purpose of having them published in the webpage created which is accessible to the public. For this reason, the same information is considered in public domain. Consequently, no private information is held on our database/server and therefore BJORS is not liable to any privacy damages, if any, if in case there is a breach of security.

Liability Disclaimer

BJORS INC, its executives, directors, employees and others that are part of the organizations are not liable to any damages incurred including but not limited to: material, monetary, tangible and intangible losses, loss of income, incorrect/inaccuracy of information on webpages/websites, inadvertent sharing of information, webpages/websites unavailability and inaccessibility to the public.


Terms and Conditions Agreement may change from time to time without prior notice. Changes are effective in retrospect and are part of this agreement from the time before the user started using the

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of California. By using the Customer agrees with the terms and condition of this agreement.