Terms and Conditions Agreement

BJORS INC, owner of webpaig.com domain, allows webpaig.com users to create webpages, and hosted at webpaig.com. Unenforceable terms and conditions do not invalidate the rest of this agreement.

Domain users

Users are solely responsible for the contents hosted on webpaig.com. BJORS INC reserves the right to remove any contents from the domain at will without prior notice and explanation.

Liability Disclaimer

BJORS INC, its executives, directors, employees and others that are part of the organizations are not liable to any damages incurred including but not limited to: material, monetary, tangible and intangible losses, loss of income, incorrect/inaccuracy of information on webpages/websites, webpages/websites unavailability and inaccessibility to the public


Terms and Conditions Agreement may change from time to time without prior notice. Changes are effective in retrospect and are part of this agreement from the time before the user started using the webpaig.com.

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of California. By using webpaig.com the Customer agrees with the terms and condition of this agreement.